The Magical Mystery of Merlinos' Miniature Reindeer!

The Magical Mystery of Merlinos' Miniature Reindeer!

Welcome to a special season at Merlinos Christmas Trees, where the magic of Christmas is always alive! For the past decade, our giant inflatable with six cheerful reindeer has been a beloved landmark. Kids and parents alike have marveled at this festive sight, making it a cherished part of their holiday tradition.

But this year, something extraordinary has happened, and we need your help to solve a delightful mystery!

The Elves' Enchanting Escapade

One crisp, starry night, three mischievous elves - Sparkle, Jingle, and Twinkle - visited our farm. Known for their playful antics, these elves from the 'Elf on the Shelf' crew decided to add an extra sprinkle of magic to our Christmas celebrations. With a twirl of their tiny hands and a whisper of elfish words, they cast a spell over our six reindeer friends.

And poof! In a blink of an eye, our life-sized reindeer shrank to the size of teddy bears!

The Hidden Reindeer Challenge

These tiny, enchanting reindeer are now playfully hiding somewhere in Merlinos Christmas Trees, waiting to be found by our littlest visitors. We invite all kids (and those who are kids at heart) to join the "Hidden Reindeer Hunt"!

Each of the six reindeer has found a cozy nook or a secret spot amongst our Christmas trees. Will you be able to spot them all?

How to Join the Hunt

  • Come to Merlinos: Visit us any day from now until December 22nd 2023.
  • Get Your Reindeer Clues: At the entrance, you'll receive a special set of clues to the reindeer's hiding places.
  • Start the Search: Use the the clues to find each hidden reindeer.
  • Claim Your Candy Cane treat: Once you've found all six, head back to the entrance to claim a small gift from us! A mini candy cane as a tiny treat. 

A new twist on tradition

While we all miss our giant inflatable reindeer, we're excited to offer this new, interactive adventure. It's a way to keep the spirit of Christmas exploration and wonder alive, especially for our youngest visitors.

Join the Festive Fun!

We can't wait to see the smiles and hear the giggles as you all embark on this magical quest. Remember, we are counting on you to find pit hidden reindeer friends!

So, pull on your holiday hats, grab your detective magnifying glasses, and join us at Merlinos Christmas Trees for a mini Christmas adventure!

Happy Hunting and Merry Christmas!
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